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The Hemp Report

An online trade journal covering the North America hemp industry: agriculture, processing, marketing, research, business and regulatory news, and updates. Strong focus on hemp farming and developments in Canada.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Hemp and the Rule of Law 

Rule of Law

A new documentary by Kevin Balling

     Blending history with current events, the one-hour documentary traces hemp's legendary past in U.S. agriculture and chronicles the heated debate to return the crop to American farmers.

     The World Premiere of Hemp and the Rule of Law is at the Asheville Film Festival on Thursday, November 4, 2004 at the Asheville Community Theatre, 10:30 p.m. in Asheville, North Carolina.

     Here is the blurb from the Asheville Film Festival:

Hemp is a crop with a rich history in U.S. agriculture. In the last decade of the twentieth century, consumer demand for hemp products resulted in the crop's resurgence on farms throughout the western world. Thirty-one countries, including Canada, England, and the European Union now grow hemp. Although it has no psychoactive potential, hemp shares the same plant family as marijuana. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration makes no distinction between hemp and marijuana, and a decade after hemp's worldwide revival farmers in the United States are still not permitted to grow it. Hemp and the Rule of Law traces hemp's legendary past in U.S. agriculture and chronicles the heated debate to return the crop to American farms. Filmed in North Carolina.

     Hemp and the Rule of Law is now available on DVD for purchase. Go to the "BUY DVD" link at Tin Roof Video to purchase your DVD. I have ordered my copy and I can't wait to see it!

posted by Tom  # 6:07 PM
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