Regina, Saskatchewan
October 5th, 2004
Two well timed industry conferences over the next month will position producers, processors, marketers, and researchers for urgent opportunity emerging in industrial hemp.
Hemp Industries Association (
HIA) will be holding their annual convention in San Francisco, California, USA on November 3-5th. The
Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance/Alliance Commerciale Canadienne du Chanvre (
CHTA/ACCC) will be holding its annual Convention in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on October 24th.
Both conferences are being held on the heels of a dramatic "non decision" of the US government to
not appeal the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals February 6th 2004 ruling on HIA v DEA. The Court's decision stands: trace amounts of THC in hemp seed are insignificant and irrelevant, as harmless as the trace amounts of opiates found in poppy seed. The appeals court ruled that "
they (DEA) cannot regulate naturally-occurring THC not contained within or derived from marijuana — i.e., non-psychoactive hemp products — because non-psychoactive hemp is not included in Schedule I." With the window for legal appeals now closed, a three year controversy has been put to rest and the North American industry can move into the nutritional future.
"The decision has settled the question of Hemp Foods products, and their availability in the large US market," says
Steve Levine, President of HIA. "People working with industrial hemp now and new players interested in hemp should position themselves for strong growth in the immediate future."
"With the open market, we expect new opportunities will arise fairly quickly," adds
Arthur Hanks, Executive Director, CHTA. "Planning for the next agricultural year begins now."
Recent SPINS market data shows that hemp food sales in the United States grew at a strong 66% over the last calender year. With a clear legal situation in hand, and the growing sophistication and capabilities of the hemp food industry, industry analysts are predicting a robust increase for 2004-2005.
Hemp foods are gaining more and more recognition from nutrition experts due to their high concentration of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids, strong digestible protein profile, soluble and insoluble fiber content, and host of vitamins and minerals. Chefs and consumers are enjoying Hemp because of its pleasant nutty flavor. Shoppers are discovering a wide range of tasty and nutritious products at leading health food stores.
The majority of hemp food sold in North American is sourced from family farms across Canada.
"Demand for hemp food is the driver right now for Canadian production," says Hanks, "As demand for seed and seed products increase, so does farming opportunities for this sustainable crop and with these, new opportunities for developing novel fibre products from hemp straw in such uses as nonwovens, composites, building materials, textiles as well as specialty paper. "
11th Annual Hemp Industries Association Convention
Wednesday, November 3rd through Friday, Nov. 5th, 2004
Holiday Inn Civic Center ~ 50 8th St. and Market
San Francisco, CA 94103
Reception/Registration & Awards Dinner: Wednesday, November 3rd
HIA Annual General Meeting & Dinner: Thursday, Nov. 4th
Hemp Exhibits/Sales, Silent Auction, Expert Speakers - Textiles, Foods, Body Care, Paper, Legal
Networking, Committee Meetings, Green Festival set up: Friday, November 5th
More information at http://www.thehia.org/news_reports/convention/2004conv_notice.html
CHTA 2004 Conference and Annual General Meeting
Sunday, October 24th, the Fairmont Hotel, 2 Lombard Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
The Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance/ Alliance Commerciale Canadienne du Chanvre (CHTA/ACCC) is holding its 2004 Conference and Annual General Meeting in Winnipeg, Manitoba on October 24th, 2004 at The Fairmont Hotel.
Expert Speakers on such topics as Hemp Food, Seed Breeding, Agronomics, Markets, Research and Fibre
Excellent networking with producers, manufacturers and marketers
More information at http://www.hemptrade.ca/en/trade/events.ihtml
Or Contact:
Arthur Hanks
Executive Director - Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance
Phone: (306) 757-4367
Fax: (306) 757-4365
Steve Levine
President - Hemp Industries Association
Phone: (805) 969-4300