Hemp foods have always had a huge potential, but
six years ago it looked like there was not going to be a hemp foods market in the United States. Because of the hard work from many people hemp foods remained legal. Building up the processing infrastructure and educating the marketplace is slowly paying big dividends. As of October 16th the Health Canada
Industrial Hemp Statistics 2006 show that 20,554 hectares (50,768 acres) of hemp were licensed this year. Many new products have been created with all of this hemp. One of the things that many people, me included, have longed for is hemp milk. The wait is just about over.
Slated to be introduced in January of 2007
Living Harvest Hempmilk will be one of the first hemp milks on the market. I was lucky enough to get advance samples to to try. My favourite is the Chocolate. I just finished a glass of
Cafe Altura Peruvian Fair Trade Dark Roast coffee with Living Harvest Hempmilk Chocolate instead of my regular organic raw milk. What a wonderful flavor combination! My kids really like the Chocolate flavor, too. The Vanilla has a great mouthfeel and flavor without being too sweet. The Original has just the right balance of texture and flavor without being beany like soy milk or watery like rice milk. Both of the latter flavors are excellent on cereal and are wonderful on our
Crunchy Granola and
Special Oatmeal. 2007 looks like it will be a great year for hemp foods!

The latest bulletin of the FAO/ESCORENA European Co-operative Research Network on Flax and other Bast Plants is now available. Hemp Report Subscribers, please download below:

EUROFLAX bulletin 25
FAO Networks.
(PDF file 1.5MB)
The Hemp Summit to hit Winnipeg on Friday
The Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance is hosting the Hemp Summit on Friday, November 17 in Winnipeg. The national conference is taking place at the
Greenwood Inn, 1715 Wellington Avenue, near Winnipeg International Airport.
The Hemp Summit gets underway on Friday morning at 9 a.m., with registration beginning at 8 a.m. Conference participants will be provided with nutrition breaks and a lunch. As an added bonus, participants will have the option of joining a private tour of the Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals on Saturday morning. The tour will be hosted by the Director of the Centre, Dr. Peter Jones.
To register, contact Arthur Hanks, CHTA, at (306) 757-4367 or
arthur@hemptrade.ca. Fees are $100 for Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance members and $125 for non-members.
Conference speakers include:
Hon. Rosanne Wowchuk, Deputy Premier of Manitoba and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MB) Welcome and Opening Remarks
Kevin Friesen, Hemp Oil Canada (MB) Hemp Agronomics
Diane Mitchell, French Meadow Bakery (USA) Market Success
Dr. Bert Vandenberg, University of Saskatchewan (SK) Hemp Breeding
Dr. Gero Leson, Leson Environmental Consulting (USA), Marketing Hemp's Benefits and Micronutrient Research Results
Dr. Jim House, University of Manitoba (MB), Hemp Protein Research Results
Dr. Jace Callaway, University of Kuopio, (Finland), Topics on Hemp Nutrition
Rep. David Monson, Assistant Majority Leader, North Dakota Legislative Assembly (USA) Hemp's Potential in the USA: a North American Opportunity
Joe Laxdal, Composites Innovation Centre (MB) National Biofibre Initiative
Lorne Hadley, Canadian Plant Technology Agency (SK) Plant Breeders' Rights
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

The CHTA is a non-profit industry association whose mandate includes market development and advocacy, information creation and distribution, and research. Established in 2003, the CHTA represents hemp processors, marketers, farmers and researchers. Membership is open to all companies active in the Canadian industrial hemp sector.
Hemp is our business.
* * *
For more information about the CHTA/ACCC and hemp in Canada please see their web sites at
http://www.hemptrade.ca and
The Greenwood Inn
http://www.greenwoodinn.ca/winnipeg/home.html is located at 1715 Wellington Avenue, near Winnipeg International Airport (code YWG).

The Foundry Under Construction - Green Light Trust
One of the enjoyable things about surfing for hemp news are the things that you come across from other countries. The word hemp pops up all kinds of hits in England - from carp fishing to cricket. The stories
The Weetabix House in
The Times and
Suffolk Green Building Wins An Award in the
Green Building Press are about
The Foundry, headquarters of the
Green Light Trust, a Suffolk based environmental charity.
The Eastern Region of the Royal Institute of British Architects (
RIBA East) has awarded The Foundry first place in the Sustainability category in their Annual Awards.
The Times wrote: "Another intriguing locally sourced material is the hemp and lime block. The blocks, which look similar to mini straw bales, are used for insulation as well as contributing to the carbon-negative factor because hemp absorbs carbon dioxide. Some of the blocks in the lobby walls were left exposed, which led to the project being nicknamed 'the Weetabix House'."
For those not in the know
Weetabix is a breakfast cereal somewhat like
Shredded Wheat. I remember my grandfather eating the stuff on mornings when it was too warm for his regular oatmeal.