About Us
The Hemp Report began in 1999 as an email only newsletter (The Hemp Commerce & Farming Report or HCFR) that quickly became core web content on North America's leading industrial hemp web sites. In 2000, The Hemp Report moved to its own domain www.hempreport.com; in 2001 we brought in a full time webmaster.
The Hemp Report was established to meet a demand for top-flight information needed to move the industry forward: we continue to grow because a) our readers demand it and b) there is tangible industry support for our publishing activities and projects.
The Hemp Report works on many levels. We:
Mailing Address:
#25-2024 14th Avenue
Regina S4P 0X9 Saskatchewan
Tel: 306-757-4367
Fax: 306-757-4365
Our Publishing Schedule:
The Hemp Report is currently publishing as a blog on a periodic basis.
Advertising opportunities are available:
Please contact us directly to find out how you can benefit as a supporting advertiser or sponsor of the Hemp Report hcfr@sasktel.net or call 306-757-4367.
Writing work/contributions:
We prefer original content and good research. We honour copyright and we spell Canadian. Would you like to contribute? Email arthurhanks@hotmail.com with your idea, research, or pitch.
Biographies of principals
Arthur Hanks (Publisher/Editor) is a Canadian writer who has been covering the growing hemp industry on a professional basis since 1997. He has contributed to numerous farm and nonfarm publications regarding the many aspects of industrial hemp. Hanks helped organise several events relating to hemp and nonwood fibres across Canada in 97-98, and has spoken at several conferences across the country since then. In 1999, he started up the HCFR, now The Hemp Report, as an online magazine to serve and promote the North American Hemp Industry.
Hanks holds a BA (History) from the University of Toronto (1990), a Print Futures Diploma from Douglas College (New Westminster 1997) and a Business Certificate from Langara College (Vancouver, 1998). Having lived and worked across the country, he now dials up under the big skies of Regina, Saskatchewan.
Arthur - Regina, Saskatchewan, July 31, 2002
Jason Freeman (co-publisher) has been involved with sustainable agriculture and industrial hemp development in Canada for the past 5 years. His experience includes retail, government lobbying, events management and corporate & publishing sales. He became co-publisher of the HCFR in October 1999. More recently, as a founder of BioHemp Technologies Ltd, Freeman helped create and launch the "Mum's Original" certified organic hempseed food line.
In March of 2001 Freeman sold BioHemp's food division to his partner so that BioHemp would be able to concentrate on growing feed and industrial markets for hempseed and fibre. At that time Freeman took a volunteer position as Director of Corporate and Government Affairs with the Saskatchewan Hemp Association (SHA).
Freeman endeavours to put philosophy into action by helping bring farmers closer to their markets and by promoting sustainable methods of agriculture.
Jason - Regina, Saskatchewan
Tom Murphy (webmaster/list manager) can be reached at: Email webmaster@hempreport.com with your suggested news links, Topica list questions, and other HR web related questions. If you want to see what software and other things we use to create The Hemp Report please see our Geek Page.
Tom - South of the Border, February 19, 2006
Dr. Alexander Sumach (to come)
Please Support The Hemp Report