Here's the 4th batch. All pix from July 14th.
We are starting to get the fast growth in the South field. Most of the plants are 1 foot to knee height tall, the tallest is about 3 feet (see the picture of me).
For comparison, I took a shot of the border of the South field. The neighbouring crop is oats.
Over on the North field, the hemp is doing better, but seems weak in comparison.
Weather continues to be great, long daylight, lots of heat, and punctuated by some short storms almost daily.
I threw in a picture of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool which is two blocks up Albert St. from the SHA office, the center building. Anyhow, the Pool is the last remaining prairie producer's wheat cooperative -- all the others have merged into a noncooperative entity called Agricore United. One of the major businesses in the province ($ 3 billion CDN revenue, which is about half the value of the government's tax revenue), the SWP has been going through rough weather for years. Now there's lots of speculation as to whether financial reorganisation at the Pool means that's its being prepped for a selloff to some bigger multinational agribusiness....anyhow, I'm getting off track. Nice to give ya a shot of Regina.