Hemp Straw 'Round House' Bale Raising Going Ahead as Planned
For Immediate Release
May 13, 2002
Hemp Straw 'Round House' Bale Raising Going Ahead as Planned.
In only four days, North America's first hemp straw structure will commence its "bale raising." This traditional event amongst straw bale construction enthusiasts is always the pinnacle and focal point in "raising" a building. This one touts the fact it is the first made from hemp straw.
Saturday, May 18th is the date and Hempola Valley Farms, just north of Barrie, Ontario is the site. Home to the Hempola operation, it is a full working hemp farm where hemp is grown and processed into a variety of interesting products. Hempola's straw "round house" is an extension of its products and research. Along with the square bales of hemp straw used in the walls, the building will bare other hemp products ranging from paints and stains to roof shingles, to fabrics and concrete. Longer term plans will focus on the development of a hemp bio-fuel to heat the structure in the winter and potentially propel the farm's implements. The house is 7,000 square feet in an octagon shape and will also incorporate a passive solar heating system. And it has many other hybrid construction features adding to its uniqueness and structural integrity.
Kelly Smith, co-founder of Hempola states, "the 'round house' is a perpetual project for us. We'll utilize as many hemp products as we can as the building evolves. There are several products commercially available now and many more in various stages of development. This building will allow us to experiment and fine tune research and product development."
Very much a pioneer in the emerging hemp industry in Canada, Ms. Smith goes on to describe, "The 'round house' and Hempola Valley Farms is a site where everyone is welcome. The hemp industry is young and vibrant... it's also incredibly clean for our environment. When people visit and learn at our farm they take these messages, products and information outward for others to experience. We're very proud of what we do at Hempola and want everyone to know about it. The Canadian hemp industry has an excellent future."
The May 18th bale raising will welcome all visitors. The designer/builder of the house, Steve Nunn will be on hand along with many hemp industry representatives to provide tours, presentations and answer questions.
Hempola Valley Farms with its brand name HEMPOLA(tm) grows, manufactures and markets Canadian grown hempseed and hempseed oil products through national distributors throughout Canada and the U.S. and is a leading dedicated developer and marketer of hempseed derivative products for food, vitamins and supplements, personal care, bulk ingredients and industrial products. Product information and recipes may be obtained by visiting www.hempola.com or by calling 1-800-240-9215.
For more information, please contact Greg Herriott at HEMPOLA... 1-800-240-9215.
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