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New Farmers' Market Opens Next Month at Hempola

June 28, 2004

For Immediate Release

Barrie, Ontario, Canada.

A small, but dedicated group of environmentally-minded farmers and producers have been hard at work organizing a farmers' market that will feature a wide range of produce grown without the use of chemical pesticides or fertilizers.

Members of the Ecological Farmers' Association of Ontario, Simcoe County and Hempola got together last winter with the idea of setting up a farmers' market at the Hempola farm.

The Hempola farm is located between Barrie and Midland, at the corner of County Road 93 and Forbes Road in Dalston. It is easily accessed by Highway 400, and is just half a minute east of the ramp.

The market has been named the Eco Farmers' Market and will carry foods that have been grown by local farmers following organic principles. All the vendors are currently members of the Ecological Farmers' Association of Ontario, Simcoe County, an organization that promotes the idea of caring for the soil.

Currently, the farmers are coming from across Simcoe County from the Midland area to south of Barrie.

The market will run Fridays between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. The first one will be on Friday, July 9 and they will run until Thanksgiving. A special grand opening has been scheduled for Friday, July 16 and will include music and refreshments. Everyone is invited to come out.

The new farmers' market will include honey, maple syrup, jams, berries, vegetables, herbs, hemp salad dressing and other hemp products. There will be a number of heritage and unusual vegetables available as the season progresses.

For more information, call Greg Herriott or Kelly Smith at Hempola... 1-800-240-9215. Web site: www.hempola.com.


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