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Celebrity Signed EarthDay 2002 Poster Auction on eBay

Celebrity Signed EarthDay 2002 Poster AUCTION

At the 2002 Earth Day in SF, CA people gathered to celebrate sustainability.
Donations went to the VoteHemp.com legal fund.

The following celebrities signed four of the event posters:
Michael Franti - SpearHeadVibrations.com
Bob Weir - Dead.net
Woody Harrelson - VoiceYourself.com
Anthony Keidas - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fantuzzi - FantuzziMusic.com
Randy Hayes - Ran.org
Jack Herer - JackHerer.com
B.E. Smith - Activist

The first one was auctioned at the HIA Convention in Washington DC.
The second one is available to bid on now.

Go to this EBAY AUCTION link:


Earth Day poster

Auction Ends Friday, Jan. 24, 2003.

Thanks for your support!

Vote Hemp, Inc.

Candi Penn
VoteHemp, Inc. Exec. Secretary
Email: info@thehia.org

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